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The wedding day is over

Now I am on my own

My youngest child has married

Leaving me alone.


I look around the house

It stands so quiet and bare

No noise, no singing, laughter

For there is no one there.


How often in the past I asked

For a little peace and quiet

My loved ones always shouting

And the children running riot.


I now have got my wish

The house lies hushed and still

Just the ticking of the clock

Upon the window sill.


The bedroom stands deserted

With nothing out of place

The bed remains unruffled

Neath a covering of lace.


The living room looks empty

It’s silence to remain

My wife and children gone

They’ll not come back again


I feel tear droplet falling

But there’s no one to console

I feel impending loneliness

From deep within my soul.


The happy times came flooding back

The sounds of children playing

Laughing, crying, arguing

Loving, pleading, praying.


Memories echo in my mind

Was it so long ago?

Now I am old, alone

Soon I myself will go.


I don’t get visits often

When they call they do not stay

I feel the house’s emptiness

Helps drive them away.


No one to talk or listen

No one depends on me,

My wife has gone to heaven

My children have gone free.


My usefulness is over

I see nothing left in life

All I ever lived for

Was my children and my wife.


Now they are gone forever

Reasons for living are few

Please wait for me, my darling

I’ll soon be there with you

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