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Life On The Dole

Life on the dole was frustrating

I was too young to sit round and shirk

So I got out my bike from the coal shed

And went about looking for work


I searched but the works not forthcoming

Though I pedalled to both sides of town

No one wants one who’s grey fat and fifty

The frustration was getting me down.


“Get down to the new options centre

To a lad by the name Gary Peet

He’ll give you some help, get you started

Up off your bum on your feet.”


So I started a course on computers

At a keyboard six hours a day

To get me a small piece of paper

To help me to rejoin the fray.


We found that we all worked together

Together the finest of classes

Different ages and background and gender

One old man, eight lads and three lasses.


We were spending some time doing spreadsheets

Not something you put on a bed,
But columns and rows of long numbers

Making pie charts and bar charts instead.

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