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What If

What if, back in sixty five

I didn’t take a chance

Hadn’t plucked up courage

And asked her for a dance


What if she’d ignored me?

Or politely she’d said No!

Would I have pursued it further?

Or just get up and go.


What if three days later

When she had time to think

She decided not to meet me

And go out for a drink.


What if she had had enough?

Didn’t want me any more

What if she walked off and left me?

With my finger in the door.


What if on our wedding day

She left me in the lurch?

Dressed for the occasion

Left standing at the church


What if we’d had no children?

Looking back I would feel forlorn

To think that either child

Never had been born.


And what of our grandchildren

These children are our life

We both adore the four of them

Myself and Joan my wife.

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