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Chat Wi A Pit Mouse

(In memory of John Heyes)

Cum on aht an' a' some snap

Tha' needn't fear as it's a trap

Ah know ow it feels to clam

It 'append both to mouse an' man

An' sithee 'idin' reawnd yon muck

Cum on aht an' try thi luck

Ah'll bet thi, if ah shift mi leet

Tha'll move like leetnin' then awreet

Tha mun live in a rum owd way

Follerin' face up day bi day

Like some sort o' gypsy mouse

Noa time, fer a nest ur house

Ah wunder what tha' meks o' men

Dusta ponder nah an' then

Wot mek us sweat, tuh earn a crust

Mid fallin stooan, an' flyin' dust

When t'side o' t' gate cums crashin' in

Asta e'er lost any kith an kin

Cum on lad, an doan't be daft

Jump in a tub an' gerr up t'shaft

Burr oo's a mon ter give advice

Whenn ee's noa moor flamin' sense wer mice

Ah never listen ter mi wife

When she begs on mi ter quit this life

Soa cum on mouse, an' share this bread

Bi th'end o't'shift wi might bi deead

An' if were bahn ter share t'same end

Ah'm fain ter 'ave thee fo' mi friend.

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