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Harvest Festival

It was Harvest Festival weekend

Hundreds of locals were there,

To see all the flowers arrangements

Taken hours of work to prepare.


The church was a sea of bright colour

Many being on industrial themes,

The flowers the fruits of God's labour

The industries built on men's dreams.


The theme of my stand was coal mining

An industry sad in decline

Where the energy rays of past sunshine

Lie entombed underground in a mine.


I'd a large piece of coal in the centre

Sitting on it a small harvest mouse

A reminder of life past and present

Together again in God's house.


A flame safety lamp in the corner

Stir up thoughts of a far distant past,

When firedamp gas was a killer

With many men killed in it's blast.


The reason for coal are not dying

This is no time to lament the dead

But to ponder on coal as a harvest

As vital as fruit, meat or bread.


May the miner's lamp shine on forever

Let's move onward with body and soul

Remember what made Britain wealthy

The miners and good British coal.

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