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This short playlet was written for and performed by Burtonwood Amateur Music and Drama Society



A meeting of the World's top pollutants are in the process of selecting a leader.




Nuclear Fall Out

Untreated Sewage

Car Exhaust Fumes

Cigarette Smoke


Acid Rain

Aerosol Spray

Chimney Smoke



Scene opens with narrator at the side of the stage with others at centre in darkness




The pollutants of the world

To a meeting they have come

Selecting a new leader

Who will be their number one?


Who will be the great pollutor?

That's the title they all seek

Let us eavesdrop at the meeting

Come inside and take a peek.


The meeting is then lit up with each member holding a card to say who they are


Chimney Smoke


If you're looking for a leader

Then I should wear the crown

High above the streets

Polluting countryside and town


Covering wide areas

With smoke and gas and grit

Be sure with me around

I will make the coffin fit,


Acid Rain


I'm new to this polluting

I'm known as acid rain

Though too young to be your leader

My day will come again


You will see me killing grass and trees

My methods are quite cruel

From power station chimneys

Which are burning fossil fuel.


Untreated Sewage


My jobs polluting water

Oceans, rivers, seas

I'm going through a high

With my latest wheeze


From Norway to the Wash

The North sea takes my slime

Spreading out pollution

Killing all the seals in time.


Cigarette Smoke


I'm the subtle member

I just go and hide

While others pollute without

I am killing their inside


Even to non-smokers

I'm a danger, so beware

Someone smoking in the room

And I'll be over there




Some think I shouldn't be here

For I'm a different kind

While the rest attack the body

I pollute the mind


You will find me on page three

Of the papers if you look

On television, video

In magazines and book.


Car Exhaust Fumes


I'm the great polluter

You find me everywhere

From just above floor level

I pollute the air.


The world's great oil refineries

Are my jam and bread

Provide me with pollution

In the form of smoke filled lead




You all know me I'm noisy

I stand out in the crowd

You can hear my decibels

I dress very loud.


I am all around you

Eating at your nerves

I should be your leader

It's no more than I deserve


Aerosol Spray:


My method is quite novel

I can do the greatest harm

By breaking down the ozone

And make the world go warm


I'll be melting out the ice mass

Half the world will drown

It's goodbye to New York City

And farewell to London Town.


Nuclear Fall Out:


I am the greatest danger

They keep me under wraps

But in a place like Chernobyl

I can find the smallest gaps.


I caused the world to panic

With the east wind in my sails

I polluted half of Europe

From Norway down to Wales.    


All together


But that's enough of talking

It will very soon be seen

Who will lead our forces

Against all that's good and clean


The pollutants go into a huddle as if discussing who should lead them.

After a few moments they face the audience


All together


We have listened to the arguments

We have made a mental note

Who is to be our leader

We each have had a vote


Who will we have as leader

We decided no one can

For the greatest of pollutants

Is the creature known as man.

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