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T'other day I went deawn to Bowton

Fus' time fer many a day

So I thowt I'd get deawn to Burnden

An' watch agin t' Wanderers play.


The greawnd stood all empty an' bare

The team 'ad up an' gone

To a bran' new aw seater stadium

On't side o' the M61.


I stood theer in solemn composure

As I let mi e'en wander areawnd

Reflectin' on't days o' mi childhood

Spent here in this hallowed greawnd.


Each home game I'd stand by the fence

Wi' mi rattle an' scarf an' bob 'at

Bawlin' an' sheawtin' wi' all o' mi meight

To the greatest of heroes Big Nat.


Seawnd o' cheerin' cud be 'eard far an' wide

Thro' t' factories un side streets un mills

But I 'ear at this new place cawd Reebok

Tha' ony has ceaws, sheep un 'ills.


The one day I'll allus remember

The team passin' jus' by mi' gate

Wi' a cup, we had jus' beat United

Early in May '58.


I 'ad tears as the memories kept flooding

I ne'er thowt us I'd see this day

I know that the sides cawd the Wanderers

But ne'er thowt they'd wander away.

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