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Billinge Hill

Today I walked up Billinge hill

First time in fifty years

Returning long lost memories

I was almost moved to tears.


Last time I walked this way

Accompanied by my late dad

He on his fortieth birthday

While I was just a lad.


Silently I stood on the hill

Leaned on the wall and looked down

Four mile to the south

To St Helens my home town.


When last I stood at this place

Many coal mines could be seen

Lyme, Wood, Bold, Sutton Manor

Clock Face, Ravenhead and Lea Green


Gone Bold power station

Gone the Rainhill hospital towers

The Billinge Quarry filled in

Replaced with grass and flowers.


Where are the factory chimneys?

Where have they all gone?

For every ten back in the fifties

I can now see only one.


This town was built on coal

Pharmaceuticals and glass

Most now are just a memory

As one by one they pass


The coal mines all have closed

Glass works are but a few

Local industry in decline

From the many I once knew


The town looks cleaner, brighter

No smoke or colliery spoils

But a backdrop of large warehouses

Storing the fruits of others toils


Will our industries ever return?

Once more make goods to sell

We can but live in hope

Only time will tell.

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