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The Evil That Men Do

Peace prevails around

This northern Scottish Land

I am basking in the sunshine

Lying on the sand.


Summer now is over

November drawing near

The nights are getting colder

Towards the ending year.


I lie here calm, contented

The waves just out of reach

Watching gulls and gannets

Soar above the beach.


I envy them their freedom

To go where e’er they wish

I look toward the future

When I can learn to fish.


The tranquillity is broken

From the sea a sound

Of men in boats approaching

I try to look around.


A terror cry comes from the herd

They’re trembling with fear

I strain my head to look around

When men with stick appear.


I’ve heard it from older ones

Of the past when men where there

Of how they kill defenceless pups

And skin them for their fur.


This white fur meant to keep me warm

Has now become a curse

Deigned to become a handbag

Slippers or a purse.


I try to find some cover

To struggle out of sight

But how to look obscure

With a coat of snowy white.


I pray that they will go away

Oh God what have I done?

Is this the penance I must pay?

Have I hurt anyone?


A man with a club stands over me

Come ashore to cull

I lift my eyes to look at him

He splits apart my skull.


Please sir, why do you hate me

Is this how I would feel

If I were born a human

And you a baby seal?

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