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Sung to the tune 'Nothing like a girl' from South Pacific

I got sunlight for my hands

I got ice pops I can freeze

I got shampoo smells like apples

You can pick right from the trees


I got aerosols and aftershave

To get me in the mood

What aint I got?

I aint got food.


I got packages for home

I got tissues for my nose

Cif for cleaning worktops

And Bold for washing clothes


A bottle of Domestos

I get dizzy from the smell

What don't I have?

You know darned well


I got nothing to put on a dinner suit for

I got nothing to look in the fridge for


There is nothing like a meal

Nothing in the world

There is nothing you can feel

Like the succulence of a meal


I feel empty and I long

For potatoes, veg and meat

I would like to feel that feeling

When I'm sitting down to eat


I feel hungry as a wolf felt

When it met Red Riding Hood

What don't I feel?

I don't feel good


There are no books like a meal

And nothing looks like a meal

I have a drink but no meal

I have no spuds I can peel

Nothing tastes like a meal

Nothing bastes like a meal


There aint a thing that's wrong with anything here

That can't be fixed by putting me near

A steamy, bubbly, three coursed oversized meal.

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